3 Times You Might Need to Locate Data or Phone Cables

Right at this very moment, unseen and unheard, thousands of gigabytes of information are travelling between computer and telephone networks via high-speed cables. It is this modern communications system which keeps commerce and business alive. Without it, society and your business would soon be cast back into the dark ages. However, occasionally, a high-speed data cable may be damaged or malfunction. If this occurs, you will need to contact a phone service. The contractors who work for a phone service are specially trained in locating and repairing data cables using high-tech equipment. Below is a guide to 3 occasions when you may need to call in a phone service.

You are experiencing a loss of data or phone service

If communications in your office have gone down, you should take action fast. If local actions such as rebooting the server or individual computers do not work, you should not hesitate to call in a phone service contractor who will be able to carry out diagnostic tests before locating the faulty section of cable so it can be repaired or replaced.

If you decide to carry out demolition work

If you have decided to demolish your current office building so the land can be redeveloped, it is vital that you first identify the location of any underground data and phone cables. If you do not do so, you run the risk that the demolition of the building will cause significant damage to the underground cables, resulting in a loss of service for your neighbours and a potential bill or legal action from the data company which owns the cables. A phone service will be able to identify the location of any cables before demolition work begins.

After a move to a new office building

Relocating your business can be an exciting time, especially if the relocation has been driven by increased growth. However, given the number of different things you will need to worry about during a relocation, such as new office furniture, rebranding, and team briefings, it is quite possible that you would forget to check the phone and data cables. A phone service will be able to visit your new business premises to carry out a survey which will locate the current phone and data cables. The contractors will also be able to check that the cables are in good condition. If you need assistance connecting your office network to the data network, the contractors will also be able to help.

If you would like to find out more, contact a company like One Step Ahead Communications.
