Avoid These Mistakes When Choosing a Home Security System

A home security system can be the best choice for protecting your home and family; in many cases, even just having such a system can deter a potential thief or intruder from breaking into your home. However, you need to be careful about the type of home security system you buy, so you know it will work for you in particular, and that it will be something you can easily manage. Note a few common mistakes made by homeowners when buying a new home security system so you can avoid these yourself, and know that your new system will be effective for you.

It's very complicated

How many steps or codes are needed to arm and then disarm the system, or to choose zones, set the system on a timer, and so on? Consider how people often struggle to remember computer user names and passwords, or even a friend's phone number, and you realize how important it is to keep a security system simple! It's usually good to keep needed codes to a minimum and opt for a system that has a panel that is easy to understand and very user-friendly. Oversized lettering, prompts, and other such simple features can actually make it easier to use the alarm, and ensure you don't fail to arm it properly.

Cheap camera

Adding a camera to your security system can deter potential thieves and intruders, but if someone should break into your home or steal something from your garage, you want a clear picture of their face for easy identification. Cheap cameras may only provide a dark and grainy image; in this case, you may as well not have any camera! Invest in an affordable but high-quality camera with your system so law enforcement can easily identify anyone who might intrude on your property.

Not figuring your family's and home's unique needs

If your home is built on a flood plane, ensure the security system has motion detectors that can sense rising waters. If you're worried about radon or other harmful air pollution from nearby factories, or from an old furnace, have a radon detector included. In homes with pets, the system should have a sensor that can tell the difference between pets approaching the pet door or walking around inside the home and an intruder. Be sure you choose a system that works for your home and family in particular, so you don't get false positive alerts and so the system doesn't overlook these other dangers to your home.

For more information on security systems, click here!
